Código EAN8595057655973
Elcodigo aduanero39259080
Peso0,0934 kg/unidad
Colorlight grey RAL 7035
Material sin plomoyes
Autoextinguible30 s
Voltaje nominal<= 400 V
Corriente nominal<= 16 A
Resistencia térmica-5 - 60 °C
Ensayo de hilo incandescente850 °C
Ancho72 mm
Altura72 mm
Profundidad42 mm
Clase de reacción al fuegoA1 - D
Extendida reacción al fuego del material subyacente
Combined with a 5 mm thermal insulating, non-flammable pad, assembly on building materials can be carried out without restriction of the reaction to fire class A1 - F
Clase de protecciónIP 40
Corresponde a las normasČSN EN 60 670-1
La descripción del embalaje
the grommets and screws for mounting lid inserted in the box, each box is packed in a shrink foil and labeled

For installation in environment with increased humidity, dust, chemical and corrosion resistance in environments with increased risk of mechanical damage. Universal grommets for cables and pipes, grommets can be ordered separately. To install on materials with fire classes E or F, use thermally insulating pad.

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